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    Wednesday 23 October 2013

    Installation Of Red Hat 5

    Unknown  |  at  10:59

    We know the source code of Linux is free so different – different companies develop the different – different flavor of Linux by using Linux kernel. Here I’m going to describe some flavor of Linux.
    1.    Red Hat

    2.    Ubuntu

    3.    Fedora

    4.    Backtrack

    5.    Android

    6.    Mint 

    7.    Cent 

    Distribution of Linux

    Unknown  |  at  08:46

    We know the source code of Linux is free so different – different companies develop the different – different flavor of Linux by using Linux kernel. Here I’m going to describe some flavor of Linux.
    1.    Red Hat

    2.    Ubuntu

    3.    Fedora

    4.    Backtrack

    5.    Android

    6.    Mint 

    7.    Cent 

    Tuesday 22 October 2013

    1. Open Source - Source code of Linux is freely available because Linux developed          on GPL (General Public License).

     2. Multiuser – At a time can login more than one user.
    3. Hardware Detection – Linux kernel support run time hardware means when system is a start if we connect a hardware, kernel will detect the hardware.

    4. Security – Linux is secure operating system because we can’t execute any program without ‘root’ user permission. By using DAC (Dictionary Access Control) & MAC (Mandatory Access Control) can secure the operating system.

    Features of Linux

    Unknown  |  at  06:18

    1. Open Source - Source code of Linux is freely available because Linux developed          on GPL (General Public License).

     2. Multiuser – At a time can login more than one user.
    3. Hardware Detection – Linux kernel support run time hardware means when system is a start if we connect a hardware, kernel will detect the hardware.

    4. Security – Linux is secure operating system because we can’t execute any program without ‘root’ user permission. By using DAC (Dictionary Access Control) & MAC (Mandatory Access Control) can secure the operating system.

    Linux an open source operating system. Open source means source code is freely available. Mostly programs made in ‘c’ language & Linux also made in it, source code of  Linux free available for all so everyone can any changement in Linux operating system &  can develop own operating system.
    Linus Trovalds design the Linux kernel, according his name operating system called Linux.Linus Trovaldas develop Linux operating system on GPL (General Public License). 


                                              ( Linus Trovaldas)


    Introduction to Linux Operating System

    Unknown  |  at  06:00

    Linux an open source operating system. Open source means source code is freely available. Mostly programs made in ‘c’ language & Linux also made in it, source code of  Linux free available for all so everyone can any changement in Linux operating system &  can develop own operating system.
    Linus Trovalds design the Linux kernel, according his name operating system called Linux.Linus Trovaldas develop Linux operating system on GPL (General Public License). 


                                              ( Linus Trovaldas)


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